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Rules And Regulations

Please read the following Rules & Regulations framed by institution carefully to follow :

General RulesAdmission RulesExam RulesHostel RulesDress Code
For Students & Parents/Guardians

The following general rules have been laid out for the good of the students.

1. All students must come to school with their clean and properly dressed up uniform conforming to the dress code.

2. Students are expected to be in the campus before the second bell rings up.

3. Students are not allowed to go out of the recognized bounds of the school premises without permission of the appropriate authority which is strictly prohibited.

4. Students must speak in English in the school campus even in their private conversations.

5. Students are expected to keep the school campus and building clean.

6. Students should give attention to their teacher.

7. Student should use courteous, respectful, and appropriate language & behavior towards all.

8. Student should be honest in speech, class work, and respect the property of others.

9. Acts of common courtesy are to be observed by all students.

10. Students are not allowed to carry any electronics devices such as cameras, mobiles, CD players walkman or any other portable electronics device with them while they are in school campus unless given permission by authority of the school. If fail to do so the items will be confiscated and will not be returned to anyone either, whether its parents or the students.

11. Some of the bad practice such as smoking, drinking intoxicating drinks, using drugs, playing cards, gambling will not be tolerated and it is strictly banned within the school premises for the students. The school reserves the right to expel a student at any point of time for indulging in such misconduct or any discipline case.

12. Tucks, chewing gums, perfumes, dendrites, drugs, gel and costly items are banned in the school. Such things will be confiscated from the students and in addition they will be suitably punished.

13. Consumption of alcohol is strictly banned inside the school campus. Students caught in such act will be expelled from the school. Even such act outside the school campus in school uniform will also lead to disciplinary action.

14. Parents / Guardians are requested not to give money to children more than Rs.20/- for use during the school hours. This creates unwanted habit of going outside the school compound.

15. On their way to and from school all students whether in the school bus or otherwise are expected to behave in a gentle manner. All students of St James School must be tidy in dress and appearance. Any complain against a student in this regard will be seriously dealt with.

16. No student should come to school without complete school uniform unless a special permission, writing is sought and received from the school authority.

17. Students who have been absent from the school must bring a leave application duly countersigned by parent-guardian stating the specific cause of their absence.

18. Students will not normally be permitted to leave the school before time unless he / she is ill and has to be sent home. In case of extreme urgency however, a pupil may be permitted request signed by the parent is made to the authority and sufficient reason is given. A message by telephone or verbal will not be accepted.

19. School authority has the right to check the students and their belongings whenever felt necessary.

20. Physical Education and Social Work are compulsory.

21. A student who has failed twice in the same class will have to leave the school.

22. Name of the students who remain absent continuously for 15 (fifteen) days except on medical ground will be struck off the rolls.

23. 80% of attendance is required to appear in each terminal exam. Class-X&XII students should pass any of the Periodic Tests to qualify for Board Exams.
Admission Process

A. Admission shall be made for all classes starting from KG onward:

Subject to the availability of seats without any discrimination regarding religion, race , caste, place of birth or any other consideration which may amount to prejudice or bias.

Children in the age of 4 years shall be admitted in pre-primary / nursery classes. The minimum age for admission in class 1 is 5 years. The admission of a child of the specified age group shall be made effective with effect from the first day of the academic year.

No student shall be admitted unless an application is signed by his parent or guardian. The reporting of date of birth of the pupil must be supported by some appropriate certificate.

B. At the time of admission, the following documents are required:

1. The Original School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate signed by the head of the institution last attended and countersigned by the competent authority.

2. Documents in support of his/her having passed the qualifying examination.

3. Date of Birth certificate issued by the competent authority where the admission has been allowed without SLC.

4. 2 recent passport size photo

5. Immunization record

6. Local address proof

7. Previous year Report card/Mark Sheet / Transfer Certificate

8. Residential permit / Visa copy / Passport copy (for foreign students)

C. To maintain quality culture for studies, admission to all classes ( Except KG) shall be allowed on the basis of performance in entrance test.

"Please visit us with prior appointment between 9.00 am to 4.00 pm any day from Monday to Friday and on Saturday between 7.00 am to 10.00 am. The admission office will give detailed information about the school, methodology, facilities, fee structure and guide you with the admission procedure followed by a campus tour.

St James School believes in the principle that a good liberal education is a participative process, in which the child is a key participant. In keeping with the spirit of this principle, we will interact with the child in combination with a written exercise .This will facilitate us in understanding the child's readiness for the class to which you have applied. The Principal will meet the parent with the child and on his approval parents can proceed with the admission."

The parent who cannot visit the campus or are staying out of Tripura can go to our link https://www.stjamesgongrai.org/admission and fill up the online enquiry form which will lead to registration form.

If you have any queries related to the admission procedure and fee structure you can mail to stjames579@gmail.com