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                The School has its own airy building, a good spacious library, Composite Labs., Computer room, and all other infrastructure erected on awide area of land. There is separate playground of land. The academic year of the school commences in April and ends in March every year. Admissions are allowed in March.


                The School provides well-equipped Computers and Science labs for the students to obtain the latest technology, management proactively acquires necessary resources to keep the School Staff and students abreast with the latest technologies, scientific methods and instruments and computer hardware and software.The Computer Teachers and Instructors are well trained and students are encouraged to actively work on various computing systems.


There is well spacious and well stocked library in the school. Any demand for an additional book/periodical from any quarter is met there & then. Ten daily newspapers & Twelve periodicals are regularly supplied. In case of need, the quantum can be increased.


The school has its own ten bus to provide transport facilities to the students. As the seats are limited. needy students are advised to reserve the seat at the time of admission. Buses are plied on the main roads. Detail & timing can be obtained from the office.


A Library of thoughts

The library is a spring of open minds. At St James School it’s dynamic – equipped with books, magazines and CDs covering a wide range of subjects across 10,000 book titles. The books, magazines and CD/DVDs are marked with seal.The library’s mandate is to foster independent, life-long learning through collaboration, providing information and learning resources, instructions and technology. Our vision is to integrate staff, resources and technology seamlessly into a sing energy for educational empowerment.

We have a growing library of 10000+ books, a well furnished reading room.


Learning by doing is the most effective way of learning. The school provides the most modern labs which are continually upgraded.

Theory is incomplete without practical. One needs to completely get involved in the various practical experiments whether it be Chemistry, Biology or Physics, to get a thorough knowledge and understanding of what had been taught in the theory class.

Labs are neatly arranged with a view to a fresh approach. When a student walks in, the Lab assistant and the teacher both assist him / her in understanding and undertaking experiments.

  St James School aims to ensure that every student strengthens his / her knowledge of theory with lively practicals which will be remembered for ever


We have transport facilities for our students on payment of transport fees. They traverse the geography of the city/village to pick up our students. Special care is taken while appointing the drivers, to ensure that only the experienced and qualified drivers are appointed after undergoing a driving test. The buses are equipped with safety equipment and a first-aid kit in case of an emergency.


“A healthy mind in a healthy body”. Keeping this in mind the school promotes and encourages a number of sports activities. In addition to the two periods a week compulsory allotted to physical education. The sports activities available include tennis, football, basketball, volleyball. After school activities are conducted for extra coaching on selected sports.


The school enjoys a leading position in games & co-curricular activities. Facilities for cricket,Football,Volley Ball, Badminton, Hand Ball., T.T. exist. Facilities can be increased in case the response from the students is good.


Number of regular features are in vogue for homogeneous development of students as enunciated below:-

Various competitions are conducted periodically.

In the morning assembly, students participate in ‘News Reading’ and ‘Thought of The day’.


At home in the school

Education begins with a sense of belonging. At St James  School there are two hostel blocks – one each for the boys and the girls. The blocks are spacious with a fulfilling flow of light and air. Each room is spacious enough .The hostel blocks are conveniently located on either side of the school so that students can just walk across.

Amenities are detailed to be at par with Government hostels. Committed Teachers  are in charge of the hostels – they supervise the requirements of the students, ensuring apt time-management and monitoring their games and outings.


Security of the campus is maintained at highest level with security guards along with supervisors on duty 24/7. They ensure that no student leaves the campus without authorised permission and instructions from the concerned authority.


Boarding at St James School


The boarding at St James  School provides each student with a supportive family environment – a ‘home away from home’, where he or she could feel immediately happy and secure. Qualities such as kindness and consideration towards others, respect for other children’s space and belongings, the desire to learn from one another’s cultures, and to give one’s best in the pursuit of success are what we look to identify and inculcate in our students.  We believe that with these life skills they will be equipped to deal with the demands of day to day hurdles. To ensure that these qualities are attained by individual students, we have the presence of House parents, and a nurse living in the hostel, who gives supreme importance to our boarders in all aspects of boarding life including pastoral care, health and safety, as boarding life is rigorous and full of activities.


Accommodation:- Both weekly and yearly boarding programs are available. The boarding, which is designed for students in all grades, has an excellent, modern accommodation with a family-style atmosphere. Boys and girls are accommodated in the two separate buildings with the cafeteria/dining hall.


Rooms are well designed and well furnished. Furnishings for all rooms are of high standard and include beds, wardrobes, desks, chairs, lights, fans, bookshelves. Each section of the boarding house has an accommodation for house-parents, affording easy accessibility between students and staff.


Cafeteria:- The dining area and kitchen at St James  School are of the highest standards and is very well-equipped. The kitchen operates a two week rotational menu. All meals are supervised by the house-parents and/or faculty. Once a student finishes his / her meal they are expected to put their plates and cutlery to the washing window.


Medical Care:- The boarding has a full-time, always available medical nurse to take special care of the health and diet of our boarders; If a boarder is in need of further medical attention upon advice of the nurse, the boarder is taken to the hospital for special care and parents / guardians are informed immediately.


Games and Activities:- “A healthy body has a healthy mind” hence all boarders are expected to take part in the various activities available such as  indoor and outdoor games like- FootBall,VolleyBall,Table tennis; Soccer; Tennis;  Cricket and the various excursions conducted.


Expectations from students at St James School:-


We expect our students to maintain and encourage high standards of personal conduct. These include honesty, discipline, integrity, respect and consideration, ethics and values. Students who accept a position at St James School commit to the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle: The following are expected:

  • To protect and promote the sanctity of the boarding and school.
  • To safeguard and preserve boarding and school property.
  • To be responsible in the individual’s properties.
  • To maintain cleanliness in the boarding rooms and also help in making an ecologically “green” boarding school.
  • To attend and maintain the dignity and sanctity of the boarding school briefings.
  • To attend regularly all boarding activities.
  • To follow the instructions given in the boarding school by the boarding staff.
  • To uphold the dignity of the boarding school programmes by organizing, participating and helping.
  • Students should speak softly and only in English while in boarding school.
  • Students should behave responsibly towards others and friends.
  • Students should be dressed appropriately all the time while they are in the boarding house and when leaving the campus


Daily Routine:- The normal routine for a boarding student is as follows –





Time                                Event


05:45                            Wake up

06:00 – 06:30               Morning exercise

06:30 – 07:00               Shower and get ready for school

07:00 – 07:30               Breakfast

08:15 – 15:00               School

15:00 – 15:30               Snacks and juice

15:30 – 16:30               Free time / Change for games

16:30 – 17:30               Games

17:30 – 18:00               Shower

18:00 – 19:30               1st Study

19:30 – 20:00                Dinner

20:00 – 21:00               Free time / Viewing television / phone calls

21:00 – 22:00               2nd Study for seniors

22:00                            Lights Out (Candidtes students may continue studying with the permission of  Warden)





Time                                Event  (On alternative Saturday there will be an outing)


07:00                                 Wake up & Shower

07:30 – 08:00                    Breakfast

08:00                                 Room & cupboard organization / Candidates students leave for school

09:00 – 10:30                    Study time for the rest in boarding

10:30 – 12:30                    Games / activities

13:00 – 13:30                    Lunch

13:30 – 15:30                    Quiet time / Personal time

15:30 – 16:00                    Snack time

16:00 – 17:30                    Outdoor activity / games

17:30 – 18:00                    Shower

18:00 – 19:30                    Study time

19:30 – 20:00                    Dinner

20:00 – 22:00                    Phone /Television viewing / movie / Entertainment

22:00                                 Lights Out / IB students may study till later if permission from House Parent